Changing the value equation in youth sports.


A new approach to player development


01 — Crafting Leaders

Talent and athletic ability will only get you so far, but helping young men and women build character will push them beyond what they recognize as possible. Learning lifelong skills of goal setting, work ethic, strategic planning, communication techniques, and working as a team for a common purpose, will serve these players well beyond their playing days. During their athletic career, it will be the essence that helps them overcome fear and failure, process a lot of information and make good decisions, and lead their teammates with confidence when challenges arise. Our unique approach to development starts with building blocks of character, as we believe the ‘it factor’ can be taught and athletic development needs to follow the maturation of the player.

Value #1 is for every player to be a great human first, then become the very best player they can be.

02 — Leveraging Technology

Technology has become a key part of our everyday lives and similarly, has become embedded in the sports world. The only problem with the onslaught of technology and data in baseball, is that it’s hard to know how that translates to the youth game or to a developing player specifically. Not knowing how to utilize the data for a developing player is dangerous, creates bad habits, and shifts focus onto the wrong things. We leverage our experience in technology and software, to bring the most advanced tools to our players, while also having the baseball expertise to translate that information properly as well as craft a plan for it to aid in the development of the player. No fancy stats for the sake of stats…purposeful data to drive development for each athlete and their specific place in their journey.

*We are also excited about the ongoing development of our own proprietary app based delivery system, that we plan to launch in 2022, for the advancement of our unique approach and the integration into the daily lives of players.

03 — Training the Brain

Traditionally, the focus of ‘trainers’ has been on helping athletes simply be ‘bigger, faster, & stronger’. While this type of athletic training is crucial to building top athletes, the strategic advantage now lies between the ears. The ability to process lots of information quickly and make good decisions, is a learned skill. The greats have this ability and we’ve called it the ‘it factor’, but historically the industry has allowed it to remain more mystery than science. At the Baseball Collab, we utilize specialized techniques for training the brain through eye tracking, mental exercises, technology driven activities, and situational games. Athletes with the training and confidence to make quality decisions in the face of challenge, will succeed at greater rates than athletes who are simply more athletic.

04 — Building the Athlete

Wholistic development of the player is not complete without appropriate physical development in the areas of strength training, agility work, resistance training, arm care, muscle memory foundations, nutrition, and good ole cage or field time. With a strong value for collaboration (it’s in our brand after all), we bring in the best resources and experts to help our community receive the very best information, access the most advanced concepts in the sport, and incorporate the best parts into every player’s personal development plan.

05 — Making it about Family

Some trainers and facilities will try to convince you that they have the special sauce…and it’s the ‘only’ way to get your child a scholarship or to the pros…and it all goes through them! Don’t buy it. There is a lot of good information out there and a lot of ways to grow your child into the person and player they are meant to be. It takes a team that is willing to collaborate for the best interest of each child. Family is key to this concept. We invite parents, grandparents, and siblings to be part of the process, so that everyone in the player’s life understands his or her goals and can be a motivating or encouraging factor in the development process.

You can’t change what just happened, you can only focus on what’s important next.

Become the person and player you were meant to be.